Sunday, October 19, 2008

sunday corrals

my good buddy leaf was in from montana and caught me this morning just in time to go up to corrals with us. we got there around 8:30 and the parking lot was empty- balloons on the horizon. a warm and beautiful morning.

it wasn't very busy, but everyone we did encounter was great. all bike riders (3 or 4 groups) said thanks for getting the dogs off the trail & passed us a t a reasonable speed, all dog walkers controlled their dogs (and i controlled mine) as we passed each other. it was a really pleasant outing- leaf even commented on how nice everyone was.

trail looks good, and there's actually water in the creek at the second gate headed over to 8th street.

and still some yummy dried cow & sheep snacks along the trail for the discriminating (and sneaky) dog to sample....

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