Friday, June 19, 2009

random thoughts

hope it doesn't rain tomorrow morning so we can clean things up. it's sort of crappy- pun intended- out there.
  • hope that the woman who used to run with 2 black labs & now runs with one, who never has them leashed with leash in hand but does now have a leash on collar dragging (hmm, pay a fine or two?) and whose dogs run behind her, so she probably NEVER sees them poop comes out & cleans up tomorrow...
  • hope that moab's owners, one of whom i saw today sans leash (maybe with a poop bag, but since moab wasn't in sight we go back to how do you clean up what you don't see happen) pitch in & pick up some opp.....
  • hope that all of those folks who run or bike with their dogs & can't interrupt their workouts to pick up poop come out and help. red fox didn't look so good today.
wonder if guys who say "those dogs sure look like they would protect you" know how creepy that sounds?

hope to see some of you tomorrow. and if you can't make it 8-12, just help out where and when you can. thanks!

btw- it was another beautiful morning, 3 with and 5 without, including 2 groups of bikes.

have a great weekend-

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