Wednesday, November 19, 2008

back out- yay!

new shoes- finally! i have no idea why i put this off so long- i actually feel like i can run again- woo hoo! no more hole in the toe to pick up soil & no more hobbling due to sore feet-

echo pointing, in his bouve way. first we saw a coyote cruising through the brush.....
then 2 loose dogs from the houses on the rim. only 1 visible in this pic. i've seen these before, but they're not the same 2 from last week. one is a mostly black tricolor & the other is all black & fairly hairy.
echo was really good- i told him off & though he watched the coyote & the dogs, he didn't make a move in that direction. don't know if halle even noticed them...
it was an inverted morning....

can't even see the owyhees- or much of downtown for that matter- the most visible thing on the skyline was st al's.

glad for the shot of blue sky on the way out-
3 without, 2 with.... a very nice walk all in all....
remember that today is the last day to provide input to the FCAC if you haven't already done so...... email comments to julia grant

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