this hawk was hanging in the sage near the junction of red fox & chickadee. the dogs & i didn't bother him, nor did any of the runners or other traffic. i'm wondering if this is the same bird i've seen around all summer, and if he's young and maybe that's why he's hanging close. whatever the reason, i am always happy to see him (her?) and wishing i was packing the big camera....
i wasn't going to go here, feeling like i've beat the poop horse until it is surely beyond dead. but i guess we can't beat that horse enough......
why? do people think that the whole thing will biodegrade? that leaving a plastic bag out is less annoying than leaving a pile (well, it IS easier for someone else to clean up, i grant you that!). don't think this was one of those "pick it up on the way out" bags- it was well off the trail under the sage & had condensation on it.....
and here's what i gathered from 10th st to the garbage can by the water tanks. and it looked like someone had cleaned up since yesterday. here's my latest brilliant idea- let people do poop clean up detail instead of paying the fine for the first off leash or no-pick up offense. rangers & regular trail users know the areas that need help. the person could be told they have a month to complete the community service and that they need to notify Parks of when they will do so. Parks could then send them out to a spot that needs some tlc. it would be easy enough to check to see if the work had been done- just get a ranger or volunteer out soon after the work is to be done.
other than that, it was a beautiful morning! everyone pleasant, 7 with 5 without, one off leash dog in the on leash area. she thanked me for the heads up when i asked her to leash her dog & not let him run over. i mentioned that it was, after all, the on leash area & usually on and off leash dogs don't mix well. not sure she appreciated THAT, but oh well....
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