Monday, September 14, 2009

beautiful skies!

first, here's the view of the lower hull's parking lot at 8: 45ish saturday morning. there was a group of volunteers gathered at the learning center to go out & wage war on goatheads. thanks to all everyone who has pitched in to help with that this fall. they are nasty nasty weeds.

the skies were just beautiful this morning. it was spitting a bit as we went into the reserve, but stopped pretty quickly. there were a few birds singing.

saw a bunch of magpies flying around on the ridge & hovering over the sage. don't normally see magpies up there in the mornings, not sure what that was all about.

guessing this to be some sort of aster, due to look of the flower & bloom time, but will have to confirm.
6 with, 5 without, all following the rules, polite- great way to start the week. i did a scoop on friday afternoon ( 2 grocery bags on the red fox/chickadee loop) and things weren't too bad this morning.
wish i could figure out how to convince the folks who regularly run/bike these trails & don't clean up after their dogs that they should, at the very least, go back out once a week & pick up if they refuse to interrupt their workouts (or to keep their dogs in sight). that would make a big difference.

and the daily camel's back shot. the people who were there had a dog (leashed) with them. hopefully the owner of the 4runner got back after the water was turned off (and didn't leave any windows open!
happy trails!

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