Thursday, August 13, 2009

thursday aug 13

gorgeous thursday morning. 6 with, 15 without (one of who has a dog at home recovering from surgery, or she'd be a with). everyone polite, all rules followed, good mornings & thank yous abounding.

wonderful swirly clouds
rabbitbrush starting to bloom- which makes me think fall is on the way...... i do love rabbitbrush- right up there with buckwheat!

the gratuitous sunflower shot for the day

walking out i saw 2 people with their (leashed) dogs looking at something. good thing, i would have walked right by this guy. we all stopped & stood and enjoyed his/her presence for a few minutes, until the bird flew off.

would love to know what sort of hawk (or hawklike bird, to use bird book terminology) this is, so please share if you know.
camel's back at 7:45. no kids on trails or in park today.

happy trails!


snafu918 said...

That was a redtail hawk.

marianne said...

thanks snafu! my bird book makes it hard to tell unless they're flying....

snafu918 said...

When in doubt ask a falconer ;-)