Tuesday, August 11, 2009

august 11

beautiful, busy morning. we're trying to figure out why halle is little miss vomit girl, so she stayed home today. we'll swing around the neighborhood later and hopefully learn something useful from the ultrasound. sigh.

12 without, 5 with, all following leash laws & pleasant.

one good thing about having one dog and it being busy was that we could work on off leash heel & not approaching other dogs. echo was really good. i'm proud of the progress we've both made.

interestingly, when i spoke to toby's mom she said she was most worried about other dogs concerning herself, not her dog. she's been knocked down a few times because owners just let their dogs run up. i did suggest that it might be helpful if she kept her dog close & asked others to do the same.

hazy morning, no clouds
this reminded me of arizona & a cactus against the sky

not much sign of the owyhees today

camel's back at 7:41. the dog is on a flexi, with 2 adults. also tennis players (adult) and the women who do calisthenics at the playground. no kids on trails or in park.

happy trails!
and thanks gdawg for posting, too- good to have info on more trails & another perspective.

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