Thursday, May 7, 2009

may 7 09

another great start to the day-

the onion are almost there...
one of the arguments against having chickadee off leash is visibility. but really, if you pay attention, it's not bad. echo always tells me when someone is coming. he looks at me, because he knows i will want him with me.
i think that on busy trails you need to be sure your dog is in sight. if you can't see around the corner, even if it's 1 ft away, your dog shouldn't be around the corner. the mt bike riders on our user group committee say that they just know that they need to ride slow & look out when on the busy lower trails. it's basically defensive trail use (like defensive driving). if people work that way there aren't problems with visibility.
it's about paying attention.
for the first time in a long time, more withouts than withs- 8 w/o, 5 with.

happy trails....

1 comment:

Jan Mader said...

Your photos take my breath away...they are lovely.