Friday, May 29, 2009


good trip to chicago, good to be home. echo is restricted for 2 weeks, so it's me & halle.

this is henrietta (black with white markings looks like border collie cross), who came trotting around the corner from the pond off leash. i did my normal "please get your dog" and she did not go back to her owner. halle & i kept walking, owner leashed henrietta- well past where she should have been leashed.
this woman turned around & saw me taking her photo. i smiled. i am not trying to be the leash police, but it really annoys me that those of us who follow the rules get hurt by people who don't. plain and simple. it is not that hard to do what you're supposed to do. why screw it up for everyone?

anyway- beautiful morning-
flowers blooming- penstemon, yarrow & bachelor button here-
buckwheat (have i mentioned that's my favorite? :))

bachelor buttons (not a wildflower, probably from gardens with the help of birds, but still pretty)
wild roses.
lots of folks out today! 11 w/o dogs, including 3 groups of bikes and 7 with, most good and following rules.....
happy trails- have a great weekend!

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