Friday, March 27, 2009

FCAC Recs In To Council

The FCAC has sent their Off Leash Trail recommendations to City Council and we sent our comments (as requested by City Council) as well. Both are available at The FCAC document is large and takes a while to download.

We are extremely disappointed (and a bit puzzled) that the final recs don't resemble the motion passed at the December FCAC meeting, which would have retained off leash access on portions of the Toll Road/Central Ridge trails in Military Reserve and on Red Fox, with direction to look for a loop or other longer option in Hull's Gulch.

I don't know much about Parlimentary procedure, but I do know that the motion that was passed in December was an acceptable compromise. This motion was never reopened in an official FCAC meeting (per their minutes). It doesn't seem quite right that a motion that has been voted on and passed can just be disregarded like this one appears to have been.

The other disappointing thing about the FCAC recs is that there is absolutely no mention of establishing baseline information on native plants or wildlife habitat in order to follow the objectives and recommendations outlined in the Public Land Open Space Management Plan for the Boise Foothills. There is also no discussion of developing a public process for the future.

We are waiting to hear what next steps are from City Council and will keep you posted.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

If you do not agree with the FCAC recommendations please call the Mayor's Hotline at 384-4404, to express your concern.