Saturday, March 7, 2009

another beautiful day!

what a gorgeous morning! we had one false start- a slip in some water that necessitated coming home. but we went back out and caught up with margie & benson & jackie and had a lovely hike on trail 5 (tho i wish i'd had the goretex hikers on rather than the water resistant tennies!)

the air was really clear, and the owyhees showing beautifully across the valley. lots of fresh elk poop on the trail. i think i managed to keep dog consumption to a minimum- hopefully avoiding gastric distress.
there was a bit of snow higher up, and it was drifted across the trail in places. great to walk through- and the dogs seemed to enjoy it as well....

things were getting quite soft when we were coming out- took this photo at 10:02-
saw quite a few folks on the trails across in military reserve- most of them runners with dogs. we ran into a couple with 2 shorthairs coming in as we were going out. they called their dogs, caught them and held them so we leashed up and we all walked by each other very pleasantly. it was such a nice trail encounter!
have a great weekend!

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