Tuesday, December 30, 2008

trail update from dave gordon-

the bigger issue I am seeing currently is the fact that almost all of the usual heavily used trail are currently ribbons of ice. This is forcing users that I am observing (lone hikers and those with dogs) to walk (haven't seen any bikers) completely off of the trails to gain traction - yet another contributor (though fortunately one that doesn't occur too often around here) to braided trails....This really is a good time to just stay off the trails

1 comment:

Vikki North said...

(California here.)Looking at the picture, I can't even imagine. I'm so embarrassed. (I can complain when it rains.)I get a shiver just looking at it all.

Although - it's actually been cooler here than I've known in the past 30 years. We actually got a heavy frost last year. You would have laughed. It actually made the local news like it was some horrific storm: "Frost in San Diego!!! Take caution! Cover your plants and bring all animals indoors!"

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