Tuesday, June 30, 2009

tuesday june 30

well, it looks like if i don't leave my house by 5:30 there is no solitude to be had on the trails. saw at least 30 other people this morning. split evenly between groups with and groups without dogs- about 13 of each.

most dog owners were being good & following the rules. moab & holly were leashed up & behaving. in fact, this woman with the stroller & the black shepherd (maybe a mix) is the only one i saw with an off leash dog on the on leash section. heard her coming, because the dog was barking all the way from the lot on 9th, so we were able to speed up & avoid.

another beautiful sunrise.
a new wildflower (still have to look this one up) blooming.
the light was gorgeous.

every dog owner i met kept their dogs away when they saw us leashed. one gal thanked me for leashing up & getting to the side of the trail as she ran by with her leashed dog. things are a lot different (and better) than they were last summer. i did pick up some opp, though.

this is the camel's back parking lot at around 6:30. not just neighborhood folks using these trails, even this early in the day.
happy trails!

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