Saturday, February 28, 2009

military reserve

nice walk in military reserve this morning. feet still tender, don't know if i will be able to do robie..... but it's good to get out and walk. it was sunny and gorgeous. things look pretty dry at this point. we started by the dog park, walked up the old road & walked around on eagle's roost & the loop.

as with other trails we've been on, there is extensive damage from wet trail use. again, all user groups share the blame.

it's pretty clear here how the trail is getting widened- probably by folks avoiding ice or mud-
other than that a beautiful day-

and then we loaded up in the lot by the dog park just in time, as a guy in a white sedan pulled up, opened the door to let his 2 yellow labs rocket out and leisurely followed behind.....

on leash in the parking lot. not!

have a great day!

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