Friday, November 14, 2008

drying out

we were all glad that it dried out so we could have a nice foothills start to the day. beautiful morning with the full moon hanging over the hills.

as we passed the pond a flock of blackbirds took off and went swirling across the sky in front of the moon- of course, i didn't have the camera ready- but it was a very cool sight- startled me a bit when they took off, then made me laugh with joy.

the colors are still hanging in there....
stay off muddy trails, turn around signs posted. i have to confess that i took a hike last winter and got in bad mud. i kept thinking it would dry out "on top". it didn't, and i felt awful and have since become much more aware.
even sandy trails like red fox & chickadee can get trashed. this is dry today (yay for fast draining sandy soil), but it's clear that there was traffic yesterday, and how this will get really chopped up as winter progresses. then people start moving toward the edges and widening the trails. not good stewardship.
there are boot & running shoe prints and dog tracks along with the tire marks.

7 with and 2 without this am. one guy with dogs off in the on, but as soon as i talked to him he leashed up. i've seen the officers out & about the past few days....
great weekend to all!

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