Sunday, June 29, 2008


didn't get out til 8 this morning- very warm! up to corrals, with water bottles in echo's pack.

one quick pet peeve- anyone who thinks it's ok to walk/ride/run/whatever 2 or 3 abreast when other people are clearly on the trail too. in this case- the road bikers who ride side by side up bogus basin road- come on, it's hard enough to safely pass single file bike riders in some places on this road, and although i am happy to share the road with bicycles, i don't expand that to include being happy to drive 10 mph behind them on a paved road.

been thinking about this most of the week, after being passed by women running 3 across on red fox- guess who had to shrink into the space of one person on the trail? right, me & the dogs- when we all could easily have passed two by.

i have moments of cluelessness, and need to be reminded sometimes not to do this very same thing, but it does seem like i spend most of my time getting out of other people's way. which reinforces that people will get out of their way. so i guess the thing to do is politely stay in a reasonable amount of space, while following proper trail etiquette (uphill gets right of way, etc.)

anyway- a beautiful, if warm morning. quite a few people out, and everyone passed nicely on the trail. i am so glad that i am training with paula and it is so nice to see the progress that the dogs(and i)have made and continue to make.

there is still water if you take the hard guy turn off. the dogs really appreciated it today! it was hot & dusty coming out, but a nice hike all in all. the trail looked good- thanks to corrals trail adoptors george & karen baker & june gregg for your hard work!


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