Monday, April 26, 2010

it's beautiful out there!

i've been getting out in the mornings and loving it, just too busy to post. it's been just beautiful.....

reports of a rattlesnake sighting on upper hull's already, and of a bad tick year, so be prepared-

happy trails!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

heads up!

this was posted on the idaho outdoors group site


Looks like the weather is warm enough for the rattlesnakes to show themselves after a cold winter. This is the earliest we've seen rattlesnakes in the Boise area.

My hiking partner and I came across a 2 1/2 - 3 foot rattlesnake this afternoon.

It was about 50 feet up the trail from the second bridge above the junction of trail 0 and trail 29 in very fine sandy soil along the trees.

For those familiar with the trail, the first bridge above the 0/29 junction has the Coyote picture sign with a poem. The second bridge, on your way to the loop, has a sharp right hand turn after crossing over the water.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

lots of changes in a week!

beautiful morning on the trails- so glad to be able to get out before work again!

things are springing, grass is greening......

soon the bitterbrush will be filling the air with its wonderful scent

happy trails!

Friday, April 16, 2010

so good to be out

not the sunniest, but gorgeous nonetheless! so nice to be out early again!

next up will be the bitterbrush, which is one of my favorite scents- right up there with sage after a rain

arrowleaf balsamroot starting to bloom- so scent that i know of, but they're beautiful!

the sheep are out between kestrel & red cliffs- be careful. the great pyrenees' job is to protect their flock, and they'll take on dogs, bikes, whatever is a threat in their minds. our trails cross blm & private ground and we need to be mindful of the other uses.

happy trails!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Dog owners wear out welcome at Roosevelt School

the following was sent by a Boise Trail DOG member who has been actively involved in promoting responsible dog ownership, and appropriate off leash use:

For decades neighbors of Roosevelt School in Boise’s East End have enjoyed a local spot to play Frisbee or a brief game of fetch with their dogs. During much of this time, light use and vigilance minimized conflicts. In the past year however, a large increase in the number of dogs with careless owners and one too many students stepping in poop resulted in a formal dog ban.

Last fall students and teachers tried some creative strategies to encourage responsible use. They put handmade signs up around the school asking dog owners to pick up after their pets, and even hung bag dispensers made out of recycled soda bottles on the fence in several places. Apparently, too many owners ignored this ‘second chance’ at redemption. A family living nearby continued to allow their dog to run loose without any supervision, and another owner simply refused to pick up after her dog when confronted by parents and neighbors. No doubt other individuals added to the problem.

Poop incidents were sometimes a daily occurrence, with students, teachers, parents and building custodians having their days ruined as a result of irresponsible dog owners. Over the past year, a group of around a dozen or more owners had begun gathering at the schoolyard every night to socialize with other neighbors and let their dogs play, treating the location as a de facto off-leash park. Some neighbors began to avoid the overcrowded yard, and many wondered how long it would take for some sort of official action.

Dogs with responsible owners are tolerated in many urban areas despite local ordinances against off-leash activity in neighborhoods, school grounds, and parks. The key seems to be exercising restraint (along with pets) and a zero tolerance for clueless behavior. Principals and teachers have a responsibility to protect the health and safety of students. They must also respond to parent complaints and concerns. Schoolyards are not dog parks; they never have been and never will be.

The irony here is that the Military Reserve OLA and controlled off-leash trails are a few blocks away. Clearly, closing the school playground will not have any impact on poop around the school grounds. That problem will no doubt worsen over time. Without video surveillance or frequent police patrols, clueless owners will still allow their dogs to deposit stinky land mines in the path of students. This is a sad lesson to dog owners: bad behavior of even a handful of dog owners tarnishes the image of all of us.

Don’t take your local neighborhood resources for granted; proactive self-policing and cooperative strategies are key to maintaining good neighborhood relationships. It’s important to do the right thing, especially when you think no one is looking. Don’t wait until it’s too late for your neighborhood.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

busy busy

it's been crazy, but i have been making sure to get out, not matter how much there is to do, and it makes such a big mental health difference.

the weather has been beautiful, the birds are back in force- lots of redwinged blackbirds, meadowlarks, the red tail hawks- and kinghfishers. i just love these guys! they fly off whenever i get in decent range with the small camera, but this shot isn't too bad.

i think i'll take the big camera to trail awareness days on satruday & make a loop with it after the event. be the best bet i'll have for getting out without the dogs & with a real camera.

happy trails! hope you're all enjoying the beautiful weather!

Saturday, April 3, 2010